July 30, 2024 marks 1,826 days of life-anniversary for me (43,842 hour and 59 months ago) .
Wanted to share this with you, dear family, friends, patron, supporters and teammates,

Five years ago:
Honestly, I never thought I would face this moment, writing this short essay to my friends, family, and supporters about this amazing blessing that hinges on the mechanical aortic valve that keeps me alive, a technology that didn’t exist 100 years ago.
The hardest part of this journey is that nothing seems to be as it was five years ago. There are things in this life now that I no longer care about or am concerned with because I know this world is not our true home.
This life is a testing ground for our souls, wrapped in these mortal bodies, in a conflict that started long ago.

At some point, we will depart this life and spend eternity in one of two places. One of those places is more brilliant in all aspects of color and sound than the prettiest spring day you can experience here on Earth. But be warned, the gate is truly narrow. You must forgive all who have harmed you to be forgiven and be careful about judging with a self-righteous attitude. I don’t want this to be a long soliloquy, but I do want it to be a testament to my ever-growing faith in our Lord and Savior, who saved a "poor wretch like me".
My dreams are now full of a place I long to go to. And yet, I have little understanding of what it will be like in totality. I just know that for a brief moment in time, I was conscious of one of the most loving feelings I’ve ever experienced, understanding, with a heartbeat, that everything that moves, crawls, creeps, and flies is connected to this enormous consciousness.

It is both beautiful and glorious. All who call upon the name of the LORD have that hope. I so look forward to being there one day. And in the meantime, I hope some others will make the decision to walk alongside me.
May the Peace of the Lord be with you,
Darryl Fuhrman